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Principal's Desk

The might of the nation, truly speaking, is embedded in its academic shrine. Men of letters are its real asset. I can state it with optimism that civilizations and societies evolve through the centres of learning. Hence, education is the most grandiloquent gift that a motherland can bestow upon its denizens. I chose to be an educator with the idea of a missionary and I have been devotedly and dedicatedly following this zeal. I am fortunate enough that in the crossing of several Rubicons, all members of the staff synchronized their sincere efforts with those of mine. I know that the journey of a thousand miles with the Silver Vatika family began with a single step. The step that was taken in 2001 with the passage of time has become a great cavalcade. Serving the cause of education has become a crusade. We pledge shiny-sheeny times for the progeny. With all humility, we claim that we have made history in the field of academics in Samaon - Mansa, and we affirm that we shall make greater history in times to come. Our only manifesto is 'Light as many candles as you can'.